For the past few years I have focused my attention in a different direction so this blog has suffered a bit. It definitely needs words, pictures, time and attention to make it work, doesn't it? ;)
In one of my last posts I mentioned the 1800's group that I am a part of was working on our next quilt using the Wheel of Fortune block. If you check out the previous posts you can read about our block swaps. Here is my finished quilt and some pictures of our group unveiling the quilts at our guild meeting. (I am sorry for the poor photo quality.)
I quilted this with a pantograph called Random Fan…the same as my pink 9-patch. I have done several of my last quilts with this design. I like it because it looks like a Baptist Fan, has great texture, and is so easy and forgiving when you quilt it.
Below is the group unveiling our quilts at our guild meeting. Most of us were in love with the cheddar fabric and the same block setting….as you can tell!
The next quilt that we worked on is using the 3.5" hourglass block….we have finished exchanging our blocks and are currently putting our quilts together. We will unveil those sometime this summer.
Below is the picture of my pieced hourglass quilt - not yet quilted. I took the easy way out and just put all the pieces together. Some of the ladies got really creative with how their quilts are pieced.
Since I have not posted in such a long time I know there will not be as many followers as in the past who will read this post. So, if you could let me know by commenting, that you have read it that will be helpful.
I am undetermined at this point whether I will continue the blog…so hearing some feedback will be helpful for me.
Thanks and have a great day!