Thursday, January 19, 2012

Eye Candy

Started my day with a class about rulers for longarm quilting and found it to be quite informative.  After a quick lunch back at the hotel room I walked back to the convention center in the sunshine and spent the rest of the afternoon roaming through the vendor section.  Too bad the vendors couldn't have been outside - it was such a beautiful day!

I have never been to a show that had this many vendors - two huge rooms. I don't need to buy any fabric or patterns so it was easy to pass most things up.  But it is always fun to look and looking is free!
It was most tempting to buy the kits for the little quilts because they are so much easier to whip up and are so charming.
The picture above was taken a few days ago.  This is looking out across the hills directly in front of President Ronald Reagan's grave in Simi Valley, CA.  The photo really doesn't do it justice and the sky was overcast that day.  It really is very beautiful there.
A fun day glad I was able to be here, attend the show, meet some nice people and take some classes.


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